Monday, March 19, 2012

Introducing jGeez

 We have gone through generations of remarkable milestones in transitioning geez into the digital world. Starting from the advent of Power Geez to geez keyboards and google transliteration, how a geez literal user interacts with his/her system has been improving one step at a time. When we look at the field of web development, geez literal has been a cancer to achieving a smooth user experience and a dreadful burden to the overall look and feel of the graphic design.
    In addition to missing geez fonts (those squares) typing geez directly is limited to users who have the appropriate font and software installed on their devices. I have seen some Ethiopian websites that were able to incorporate their own custom javascript to enable users to directly type in their website without a need to install key map software. Some of them were even very impressive (ie, but all these distributed effort created redundant libraries that do the same thing and left web users to learn different key maps when they switch from one web application to the other. All in all it goes without say that incorporating geez is one of the most painful phase in web development.
    So what if there was a way to integrate geez typing with just a couple of lines of code? That is what jGeez is. jGeez is a jquery based javascript library that lets web developers quickly add geez typing to their web application projects. This library utilizes the font-face css to ensure users ability to view geez characters even if they don’t have any geez font installed on their devices. 
please refer  to this link "jGeez library" to get a glimpse of adding geez typing in your web application. you will find all the necessary tools you need to quickly jump start your journey to integrate geez typing in your web application
join my forum to help in developing and enhancing this library